/ Tam Tam basket team: In Italy Ius Soli bill is already on the basket court

Tam Tam basket team: In Italy Ius Soli bill is already on the basket court

Castel Volturno is the village with the largest concentration of African citizens of Italy and it is often associated with drugs and prostitution. Here the Italian national champion, Massimo Antonelli, founded the TAM TAM basketball team: he recruited young boys and girls born in Italy, but from immigrant parents from Nigeria. Because of the lack of IUS SOLI in Italy, a bill that would grant citizenship to migrant children born on Italian soil, and because of bureaucratic dictates in the Italian Basketball Federation, these promising players were unable to participate in the 2018 championship. Until today. After the case broke out, the Italian government has decided to approve a new law, called Tam Tam norm: it will allow all foreign children residing in Italy from the age of 10, to be registered and to play sports, giving to all the "new Italians" the chance to become a champion. Tam Tam norm is an incredible victory and the first case of sporting citizenship in Italy.